Visitation Policy

Visitation Policy

Purpose: In-Person Visitation bill has been signed into law, creating Section 408.823, Florida Statutes titled In-person visitation, and may be cited as “No Patient Left Alone Act.”

Safety-related policies and procedures are not more stringent than those established for staff of Brilliance Assisted Living Edgewater and visitors are not required to provide proof of any vaccination or immunization. This policy and procedure allow consensual physical contact between a resident and the visitor.

Residents are allowed in-person visitation in all the following circumstances unless the resident objects:

a) End-of-life situations.
b) A resident who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.
c) The resident is making one or more major medical decisions.
d) A resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.
e) A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.
f) A resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

Visitor’s Schedule:

Brilliance Assisted Living Edgewater welcomes visitors at any time. You are required to follow all aspects of our visitation policy denoted in this policy. This policy does not prohibit visits if the specific resident to be visited is quarantined, tested positive, or showing symptoms of a communicable disease. Visits in these circumstances will require a higher level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) than standard masks.

Visitation Screening:

Visitors are not required to show proof of vaccine in order for entry and there is consensual physical contact allowed between residents and their visitors.

This policy does not prohibit visits if the specific resident to be visited is quarantined, tested positive, or showing symptoms of a communicable disease. Visits in these circumstances will require a higher level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) than standard masks.


The Administrator is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the policies and procedures of the visitation policy.

1. If the individual is a first-time visitor, offer them the Infection Control Training and Education.
2. Screening Process/personal protective equipment, and infection control protocols.
    a. Ensure hand sanitizer is available for staff, visitors, and residents throughout the community.
    b. Screenings are no longer required for entrance to the community.
    c. Face mask use for residents and visitors is optional, regardless of vaccination or immunization status, unless the resident or visitor is ill or symptomatic.
    d. All visitors must immediately inform the community if they develop symptoms or test positive for any infectious disease or virus within 7 days of their visit to the community.
3. Hand hygiene should be performed by the resident and the visitors before and after contact.
4. Residents can visit with any person of his or her choice, at any time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. at a minimum.
5. There is no limit on the number of visitors allowed per visit.

Infection Control and Education

  • Standard Precautions
  • Every visit shall require the visitor to sign in and out in the visitor log.
  • Regular hand washing will be adhered to before, during and after the visit.
  • Standard Precautions eliminates the need to routinely place residents in private rooms for infection control purposes.

Handwashing for Visitors

  • Hand-washing facilities will always be available for use by visitors.
  • Alcohol-based gels will be available to all visitors. Hand washing and cleansing with an alcohol-based sanitizer are acceptable methods for hand hygiene. Hand washing with soap and warm water should be performed to remove dirt, blood, and body fluids.
  • Visitors will clean their hands before and after visit, and as needed during the visit.

Proper Hand-washing Technique:

  • Remove all jewelry, including rings.
  • Run the faucet so that the water is lukewarm and wet the hands.
  • Use a small amount of liquid soap to cover the hands and wrists. Soap the forearms, if necessary, to cleanse beyond the area of contamination.
  • Use friction. Rub one hand upon the other, and interlace the fingers of both hands, using a back-and- forth motion for at least 20 seconds.
  • Rinse your hands and wrists under running water. Always hold the hands so that they are lower than the elbows to allow water to flow from the fingertips.
  • Dry your hands with a clean paper towel.
  • Use a paper towel to turn off the water faucet.

All ppe supplies including masks, face shield, is available in common area and nurse office